(It is reproduced on special magazine of constant supervision over the child)



May 2001


The child complained of a pain in joints, weakness, the temperature up to 39 constantly "skipped".

Has had been ill with a chicken pox and heavy quinsy. Analyses of blood - in norm.





Unexpectedly in evening Sasha has complained of a strong pain in the bottom of a stomach, the temperature has jumped up.The ambulance surgeon caused immediately, has assumed sharp appendix. The child was urgent it is hospitalized in Central hospital by of Balashikha where the diagnosis has been confirmed and it has immediately been lead operation. After successfully lead operation the child has been placed in usual chamber. But within a week the temperature kept at a level of 39,8 degrees. Necessary diagnostic measures have been lead, analyses are taken. In analyses of blood - reduction of hemoglobin up to 56 units, reduction cells and leukocytes up to dangerous figures. Diagnostics on parasitic and rare infections of results has not given. Meanwhile the situation was complicated bad work of kidneys - the child was in the hardest condition.

Have put infusion of donor blood. To the girl it became little bit easier. The attending physician of the child has decided to apply prednizolon (the hormonal preparation possessing strong properties). The Main oncologist of the Moscow area, k.m.n has been invited for consultation. Varfolomeeva S.R. who has assumed at the child acute leukemia. Sasha it has been urgently transferred in the Moscow regional oncological clinic in Balashikha, in children's branch where to it the marrowy puncture has urgently been made. The analysis of a bone brain produplicated in RDKB (Moscow), has confirmed huge quantity white cells in a bone brain. The diagnosis "acute lymphoblastic leukemia" any more did not cause any doubts. Mum of the girl has been left in clinic with the child, was immediate therapy is started antibacterial and infusions. The child has been connected to infusion to the device and constantly received solutions of chloride sodium and glucose. Irina (mum) round the clock marked quantity of the entered preparations, temperature and other parameters. Gradually the body temperature began to fall from allowable figures. Gradually the child started to receive prednizolon and allopurinol. The chemotherapy (metotrexat, cytozar, etc.) begins. The girl transfers her as a whole not bad, except for strong pains in legs and nauseas. Doctors soften side effects with special preparations.


August 2001

The chemotherapy, but already regular departures clinic proceeds. The child lives at home. All conditions as much as possible excluding penetration into a room of infections are created. At rise in temperature antibiotics amicacyn, maksipim, and vankomicyn are applied. A feed is strictly balanced, completely we exclude dangerous allergic.19 August - sharp pressure drop up to critical figures. The dangerous condition has been urgently blocked by doctors introduction dopamin, albumin and pentaglobin. The situation has improved through 20.08 on X-Ray the pneumonia which has been cured for some days has been found out two-side pneumonia






It is entered in a diet chemo 6-merkaptopurine  which doze pays off depending on results of analyses of blood. All other therapy - former. Walks on air in a vatno-gauze bandage are resolved to the child. Since December, 19 reception of a hormonal preparation - dexamethazone in a doze of 16,5 tablets in day is appointed. The girl quickly types weight, state of health bad.




The chemotherapy proceeds. Delays of a chair are sometimes observed. The temperature still skips, but any more up to high figures. It is given intravenously chemiopreparate cytozar. At the end of February the child finally leaves on supporting therapy 6-mp and metotrexat (reception of preparations in domestic conditions) .Confirmed full remission of illness.

March 2002-

June 2003

All this time proceeds supporting therapy. A condition of the child - as a whole normal. Hair have grown, completeness has disappeared. There were only weak side effects of chemotherapy: a nausea, vomitting and pains in joints. Ultrasonic of internal bodies has not revealed.20 January method PTSR in blood of the child are found out viruses of a hepatites B and C.Illness does not give a jaundice and especially in any way itself does not show. We see only characteristic changes in biochemical analyses of blood - substantial increase of a level of hepatic enzymes: ALT and nuclear heating plant. Consultation of gepatologist is not shown yet, but blood we control monthly.



We are going to reflect attack of a hepatites. On September, 1 Sasha it is made out in school on domestic training.

Studies not bad, the teacher is pleased. It is collected, well draws, remembers retelling. The only thing, that disturbs its mental condition us is. Does not transfer doctors and procedure! We try to calm.



(general loading)


1. Chemopreparates


Metotreksat, 6-mp, cytozar, cyclofosfan, L-asparaginaza, vinkristin,

rubomicyn, prednizolon, uromitexan, dexamethasone, granocyd

2. Antibiotics

Amikacyn, maksipim, vankomicyn, amfotericyn-V, ciprova, biseptol,

cyfran, amoxicillyn, metronidazole

3. Infusions (introduction)

Chloride sodium, glucose,

4. Antimucor

Forkan, orungal


5. Antacids

Maaloks, almagel


6. Emergency

Dopamin, pentaglobin

7. Auxiliary

Preparations of calcium, vitamins



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